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  • Writer's pictureAnaya Tande

Emma broke her foot

On my last night there we celebrated the bittersweet ending to the adventure with drinks and our last bar hop. It was Marnisha, Emma, Thomas (Irish), Thomas (French), Hyde and Rosa. Before the main even of the story, we went to 2 bars, the Vodka bar by Rue Royale and another place I don't really remember since that was our first time there. I finally found a wine I liked, a 5 Euro one that Marnisha didn't like and was trying to pass on. The plan was to go back to Thomas' place so he could grab this other bottle of wine, and then head over to the park where we would finish the night off by chilling and playing drinking games. That didn't happen. We stopped by the fountain in the sqaure and took some picture. Marnisha got on Emma's back and then she jumped off the fountain. And broke her anke. At this point everybody is drunk and sobering up fast, none more than Emma. Thomas calls the ambulence and Emma starts to freak out, not because her ankle is broken, but because she didn't want her mom to know how she broke it. Ambulance comes, and Emma choses Thomas (Irish) and me to come with her to the hospital.

First off, riding in an ambulence is a disconcerning experience, try doing it with people who keep asking questions so fast in a different language. It was a mess. Thomas ended up translating the questions to Emma so she could answer, and the EMT's were being so rude. They asked her the normal questions, and then proceeded to talk about us being tourists and then americans. I'm sure they thought I didn't understand them (although some of it did go over my head).

Once at the hospital, they needed more information from Emma for the insurance stuff we had provided by the program. Thomas didn't know these things, so I had to answer. Also a mess. Medical French should be a class all on it's own. It took like 5 minutes to answer 2 questions because I didn't understand their questions.

Usually here when you go into fix broken legs, it takes a bit. Emma was wheeled into surgery within 20 minutes of us getting there. It was kind of amazing how fast that happened. We ended up being there the rest of the night waiting for her to come out. Despite the language issue, it might have been the best hospital experience I ever had. And I wasn't even the one hurt.

This entire experience gave me an entirely new perspective about hospitals in general, as well as some more insight into insurance. I learned I could handle myself (for the most part) in a stressful situation in only french so yay! Also, universal healthcare just might be super awesome. She ended up only paying like 200$ I think.

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