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  • Writer's pictureAnaya Tande

Architecture in Lille

When you go to a new city, the first thing you always notice is the buildings. And the more impressive they are, the better your first impression of the place. Good thing Lille has some great buildings, spaces, and overall physical enviornment. Gotta say though, cobblestone gets old really fast.

The first day I was there, they had this culture festival going on that surounded aztec and south american culture. They had these statues going up and down three streets, and there was weekend events at the expo center near us that showed off even more things. Unfortunately I was never able to go, but I wish I did.

The university I attended there was also beautiful! It had these cool gates at all entrances to the building and a super well maintained lawn area.

My favorite thing is at the metro stop by the art musem, the place is littered with statues and paintings! As you can see below, I enjoyed it a bunch! They had super cool and interesting peices on both sides, it was almost like being in the museum itself, just with metro lines running through.

Another cool building I didn't go see was the citadel. It's still a working military base I understand so I don't think I wouldv'e gotten too close or inside, but def would have been a cool thing to go see.

The fountain below has a statue of the lady of liberty that was built over 100 years ago. It's also where Emma broke her foot.

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